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We aspire to uphold the legacy of the Whispering Pines Writers' Retreats and are excited for you to be illuminated by a weekend of learning, inspiration and fun with like minded professionals!
If you still have questions, don't hesitate to contact us at:


Pam Vaughan
Pam is the author of picture books, Missy Wants a Mammoth, illustrated by Ariel Landy (2024 Holiday House/Pixel+Ink) and Tenacious Won't Give Up, illustrated by Leanne Hatch (Summer 2025 Knopf BFYR). She is also an NE-SCBWI co-Assistant Regional Advisor. In addition to writing, Pam loves to play ice hockey and pickleball. She lives with her family on a by a pond in central MA amongst turkeys, turtles, and owls. Find her online:
Pronouns - she/her
Assistant Director

Julia Boyce
Julia Boyce writes picture books through young adult novels. She has published an early reader and has also been published in Reader's Digest. Julia lives on a farm in northwestern Rhode Island with her family, an eighteen year-old cow named Oreo, a faithful Labrador/Golden retriever cross, and a menagerie of other farm animals and pets. Much of her writing is inspired by this lifestyle, as well as her current job working with Cynomolgus Macaques. Julia can often be found writing in the barn or out in the cow fields. Find her online @farm_Julia. Pronouns - she/her